Monday, March 12, 2012

I'm so happy

I am so loving everything about the educational experience my girls are engaging in every day.  Everyday I find some new, hidden jewel as they relay the happenings of their day.  I decided I'm going to write about these small moments.  These warm, delicious experiences that everyday reaffirm my decision to continue down this path.  I am learning that this path is so much more than I could ever have imagined and so much more than I dared dream was possible.  Did you know there is such a place where time seems to stand still?  It's a place where the  flow of the day resembles the journey a leaf might make when it lands gently upon the waters of a bubbling brook. Twisting and floating and mingling with stones and sticks it may pass on it's way to new lands.  Never in a hurry to get there, rather moving along with the rhythm of the beauty that surrounds it.

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